Wednesday, October 7, 2015

You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.

Black Tea Infused Bourbon Cocktail
My favorite philosopher of all time just so happens to be the father of modern philosophy itself, Rene Descartes. He is a bit of a rock star in my eyes, primarily because he refused to accept the norms set by his predecessors. He believed that in order to know anything with absolute certainty, we must first doubt everything we know. I think Descartes gave us his blessing to make as many mistakes as possible in the pursuit of truth, happiness, and fulfillment.

I've often wondered what advice I would give my children if I was ever lucky enough to have any. I don't believe that I would offer them conventional wisdom. I would most likely stay true to my own rock star ways and give them a chance to be Cartesian. Ergo, an open letter to any future children that have the honor of gracing my womb...

Dear Future Child,

I could tell you all the cliché things that parents tell their children, and they would all be true, but I want to give you more than that. I hope you grow to be wonderful, strong, and happy...but I do not wish a life without challenges for you. I instead want you to have insurmountable courage in the face of opposition. I hope you become a better, more fulfilled, and empathetic person from going through hard times.

I hope you manage to pick up some of your mother's good qualities. I hope you are unconventional, irreverent, and lively. I hope you are also kind, optimistic, and always see the good in people. I hope you never really need me, but will always want me. I want you to learn about the mistakes I have made in my life, and go on to make them yourself! For you won't ever learn until you make messes of your own. I need you to see the beauty of having your heart broken, the absolute thrill of dating someone completely wrong for you, and the joy of finding someone who makes your heart flutter.

My rock star, I love you. I have always loved you, even though you are just a thought in the back of my mind. Now go on, wreak havoc on the world, and never say or do anything dull or commonplace.


Ultimately, I expect to reach the end of my life having tested every boundary, made every mistake, and loved unabashedly. Because in the end, like Plato, "I know one thing: that I know nothing" and will derive knowledge by doubting and making mistakes.

You know what isn't a mistake though? This black tea infused bourbon cocktail. Also a perfect libation for brooding over what crazy thing you're going to do next.

Black Tea Infused Bourbon Cockt...Oh Fuck! Let's just call it The Hina...
Serves One

2 oz Black tea infused bourbon (directions to follow. Buy lapsang souchang loose leaf black tea)
1 oz Elderflower Liqueur
1 oz Saffron infused simple syrup
2-3 Dashes Orange Bitters
1 Orange Twist

1. To make the black tea infused bourbon I recommend using a bourbon with a lighter flavor profile (like Jim Beam, something like Bulleit might be a bit too much but feel free to experiment)
2. Mix together 4 oz of bourbon with 2 tablespoons of loose leaf black tea and set aside for 3 hours
3. Strain the bourbon and discard used tea leaves
4. For the simple syrup dissolve equal parts sugar and water over a low flame. Add 2 to 3 threads of saffron and allow the syrup to cool
5. Combine and stir all cocktail ingredients, enjoy over ice!

Now go on and brood baby, brood!

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